[Journal] "Nonlinear Impact of Topological Configuration of Coupled Inverter-Based Resources on Interaction Harmonics Levels of Power Flow." Masoud Safarishaal, Rasul Hemmati, Reza Saeed Kandezy, John Jiang, Chenxi Lin, and Di Wu. Energies 17, no. 11 (2024): 2512.
[Journal] "Mixed Algorithm of SINDy and HAVOK for Measure-Based Analysis of Power System with Inverter-based Resource", Reza Saeed Kandezy, John Ning Jiang (2024), International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT) IJISRT24MAR1279, 1677-1684.
[Journal] "On SINDy Approach to Measure-Based Detection of Nonlinear Energy Flows in Power Grids with High Penetration Inverter-Based Renewables", Saeed Kandezy, Reza, John Jiang, and Di Wu. Energies 17, no. 3 (2024): 711.
[Journal] "Refined convolution‐based measures for real‐time harmonic distortions estimation in power system dominated by inverter‐based resources", Kandezy, Reza Saeed, Masoud Safarishaal, Rasul Hemmati, and John Ning Jiang, 2023, IET Power Electronics.
[Conference] "Impact of Phase Displacement among Coupled Inverters on Harmonic Distortion in MicroGrids," R. Hemmati, R. S. Kandezy, M. Safarishaal, M. Zoghi, J. N. Jiang and D. Wu, 2023 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Detroit, MI, USA
[Conference] “Impact of Inverter Dynamics during System Restoration Period on Protection Schemes in Grid Connected Solar PV Systems”, Almir Ekic; Manisha Maharjan; Di Wu; Matthew Boese; Reza Saeed Kandezy, 2022, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE.
[Conference] “Study on Impact of Modulational Instability of Inverters on Electrical Energy Systems” Steele, B., Saeed Kandezy, R., Huang, P., & Jiang, J. N., 2022, IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference (KPEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
[Conference] “Optimal switching angles calculation in multilevel inverter using convolution operator and Harmony Search algorithm”, Saeed Kandezy, R., and S. H. Fathi, 2012 International conference on power engineering and renewable energy (ICPERE), IEEE.